bucket list

It is a list of things to do before you die. What’s life without goals and new experiences? I believe everyone should have a bucket list and complete it. Do you have one? great! If not, start now! Here’s my bucket list-

  1. Run a marathon- i run everyday morning, so hopefully one day i will get there
  2. go skydiving (like in zindagi na milegi dobaraa movie)
  3. see the seven wonders of the world- eiffel tower and taj mahal done
  4. master a musical instrument- learning guitar and piano
  5. see underwater life (like in zindagi na milegi dobaraa movie) 😀
  6. Fly in a hot air balloon
  7. Solve a Rubik’s cube by myself ( pretty lame? well, yeah, i still don’t know it, but will do it soon) done this on 19 June ’16!
  8. go on a road trip with friends
  9. write a novel and publish it
  10. conquer my biggest fear- which is lizard (skeptical about this one)
  11. Watch a horror movie in the theatre alone
  12. Win an arm wrestling fight with a boy- as the society sees, boys are stronger than girls, NO, i am gonna do this one day
  13. Dye my hair a crazy colour-  teal? crimson?
  14. get a tattoo
  15. get drunk- see what the fuzz is about
  16. follow vampire schedule for a day, sleep all day, work at night (from vampire academy)
  17. Hold a new born baby in your hands
  18. Kiss at midnight of new year
  19. Do actual halloween- go trick and treating (well, i am an indian and here we don’t really celebrate halloween, but influenced by movies, i wanna do it)
  20. Spend a day without electricity- tried many times, but always gave up 😦
  21. Jump off a waterfall and not die (like they do in movies)

yeah, so these till now, to do before i die.

which ones have you done?did you make your list? no? start now! tell me your list and do it.

The feeling of satisfaction that follows is spectacular.

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